Fashion Show Ticket
"Aged To Perfection"
Ages Over 55 Modeling
L et's
A dvocate
D ignity &
I mprove
E ducationally, Economically &
S ocially
Interested in joining Ladies of Color? Please Contact Us today! We look forward to talking to you!
Our Website is Now
Up and Running!
We are pleased to announce that our new website is now up and running. Find out more about us and our community and stop by. Guests are always welcome!
2017 New Membership
Learn more about L.O.C. and Special Events
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Ladies of Color
Queens, New York
Fashion Show Ticket
"Aged To Perfection"
Ages Over 55 Modeling
Fund raising activities and private donations provide the major source of funding for our organization. We can not be sucessful without your help and supporters like you allow us to accomplish so much!
Ladies of Color, Inc.
P.O. BOX 340907
Jamaica, New York 11434